Corporate Partners

As a Bold Idea partner, you are investing in building a pipeline of technology talent in north Texas. You activate the process of permanent, positive change. And you give your employees an avenue to become more involved in the community using their skillsets in computer science. We match each corporate partner with one or more schools or community centers where students participate in Bold Idea.


By Partnering with Bold Idea, you can:

>> Engage your employees in volunteering and get involved in the Dallas community. Bold Idea’s Coding Clubs & Camps programs offers a built-in way for your employees to volunteer as mentors for students in under-served neighborhoods in the Dallas community.

>> Build your future technology workforce today. Join us in sparking a student’s interest and skills in computer science at an early age and give them an early preview of working at your company.

>> Gain marketing and brand exposure. See your brand featured on our website, newsletters, program t-shirts, social media, and other outreach to the community. We also prominently highlight partners at Bold Idea’s Annual Celebration, an event that showcases our impact over the past year.

>> Know you are having an impact.
We measure students’ outcomes as they progress in our program. We then report to our partners on their growth in computer science interest, attitude, access, skill development, and self-efficacy, and a positive relationship with their mentors.

Corporate partners provide Bold Idea at least one of the following resources:

Volunteer Mentors

Mentors develop positive relationships with students and serve as role models to support students’ career aspirations in technology. Mentors challenge students to collaborate and to solve any problems they encounter.

Sponsor Funding

Sponsors make an annual commitment to fund our Coding Clubs & Camps. Funding supports mentor training and appreciation, learning materials, technology infrastructure, and more.

>> Sponsor Opportunities

Career Exploration

From guest speakers to company tours, activities for career exploration help students envision their future career in a technology or engineering field. Consider hosting Bold Idea students at your office or provide a guest speaker.

Gently-used laptops

Does your company own laptops that you’re no longer using? Are you planning a technology upgrade soon?

We refurbish laptops from our corporate partners and donate them to students who don’t have their own device.

Corporate Partner Next Steps

1) Contact Jon Ediger to schedule an introductory conversation. Email Jon at:

2) Visit a Bold Idea Coding Club. See our program in action and meet the students, volunteers, and teachers who participate.

3) Schedule a Lunch n’ Learn. Introduce your employees to Bold Idea and let us share our volunteer mentor opportunity.

4) Make a Financial Pledge. Determine how much you can support Bold Idea financially in 2025 and become a sponsor.

>> See our 2025 Sponsor Levels